What is Prison Hooch and How Do Inmates Make It?

Prison hooch, also known as prison wine or pruno, is an alcoholic beverage illicitly brewed by inmates using basic and often improvised ingredients. This homemade alcohol has a storied place in prison culture, providing inmates with a means to escape the harsh realities of incarceration, albeit temporarily. However, making and consuming prison hooch comes with significant risks, both legal and health-related.

Introduction to Prison Hooch

Prison hooch, colloquially known as pruno or prison wine, is a homemade alcoholic beverage that inmates in correctional facilities craft using rudimentary methods and available ingredients. The creation and consumption of hooch are strictly prohibited in prisons, yet its production persists due to the high demand among inmates for a means to alleviate the monotony and stress of prison life.

Historical Context

The tradition of making homemade alcohol in prisons dates back to the early days of incarceration. Over time, inmates have refined their techniques, utilizing available resources to create beverages that, while rudimentary, serve their purpose. Despite the dangers, the process of making hooch has become an integral part of prison culture, symbolizing ingenuity and rebellion.

Ingredients and Equipment Used

To make prison hooch, inmates rely on easily accessible items that can be sourced from the prison commissary or kitchen. The basic ingredients and equipment include:


  1. Fruit: The primary ingredient, often oranges, apples, or other fruits high in sugar.
  2. Sugar: Essential for fermentation, typically sourced from packets of sugar, jelly, or syrup.
  3. Bread: Contains yeast, which is crucial for the fermentation process.
  4. Water: Acts as the medium in which fermentation occurs.
  5. Optional Flavorings: Such as ketchup, fruit juice, or soda, to enhance the taste.


  1. Plastic Bags: Used as fermentation containers.
  2. Warm, Dark Place: To store the hooch during fermentation.
  3. Heating Source: Sometimes used to speed up fermentation.
FruitProvides sugar and flavorCommissary/Kitchen
SugarFeeds yeast to produce alcoholSugar packets/Jelly
BreadSupplies yeast for fermentationCommissary/Kitchen
WaterMedium for fermentationTap
Optional FlavoringsEnhances tasteCommissary/Kitchen

Step-by-Step Process of Making Prison Hooch

Creating prison hooch involves several steps, each requiring careful execution to avoid detection and ensure successful fermentation.

Step 1: Preparing the Ingredients

  • Gather the Fruit: Peel and mash the fruit thoroughly to release its sugars.
  • Add Sugar: Mix the fruit with sugar, ensuring it dissolves completely.
  • Incorporate Bread: Crumble the bread into small pieces to introduce yeast.

Step 2: Fermentation Setup

  • Combine Ingredients: Place the fruit mixture into a plastic bag.
  • Add Water: Pour water into the bag, leaving some space for gas expansion.
  • Seal and Store: Seal the bag tightly and place it in a warm, dark place to ferment.

Step 3: Monitoring and Managing Fermentation

  • Check Daily: Open the bag daily to release gas build-up and prevent explosion.
  • Maintain Temperature: Ensure the environment remains warm to facilitate fermentation.

Step 4: Straining and Consuming

  • Strain the Liquid: After 5-7 days, strain the liquid to remove solids.
  • Consume Carefully: Drink in moderation, as the alcohol content can vary.
Preparing IngredientsMash fruit, add sugar, and incorporate bread for yeast
Fermentation SetupCombine ingredients in a plastic bag, seal, and store
Monitoring FermentationCheck daily, release gas, and maintain temperature
Straining and ConsumingStrain solids and consume with caution

Dangers and Risks

The production and consumption of prison hooch carry numerous risks:

Health Risks

  1. Toxicity: Improper fermentation can produce toxic substances like methanol.
  2. Contamination: Unhygienic conditions can lead to bacterial contamination.
  3. Uncontrolled Alcohol Content: The alcohol concentration can vary, leading to potential overdose.

Legal and Disciplinary Risks

  1. Disciplinary Actions: Getting caught can result in severe punishment, including solitary confinement.
  2. Extended Sentence: Additional criminal charges for contraband production can extend an inmate’s sentence.
  3. Loss of Privileges: Inmates caught with hooch may lose privileges such as visitation or recreation time.

Impact on Prison Life

Social Dynamics

The creation and distribution of hooch can significantly impact prison social structures. Inmates involved in hooch production often gain status and influence, becoming central figures in the inmate hierarchy.

Economic Impact

Prison hooch also functions as a form of currency within the prison economy. Ingredients and finished products are traded for goods and favors, creating a clandestine market that operates alongside the official prison economy.

Psychological Effects

For many inmates, hooch offers a temporary escape from the psychological stresses of incarceration. However, it can also exacerbate mental health issues, leading to increased violence and erratic behavior.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is prison hooch made of?

Prison hooch is typically made from fruit, sugar, water, and bread. Optional flavorings such as fruit juice or ketchup may be added for taste.

2. How long does it take to make prison hooch?

The fermentation process generally takes 5-7 days, depending on the temperature and conditions.

3. Is drinking prison hooch dangerous?

Yes, drinking prison hooch can be dangerous due to the risk of contamination, toxicity from improper fermentation, and uncontrolled alcohol content.

4. What happens if an inmate is caught making hooch?

If caught, an inmate can face severe disciplinary actions, including solitary confinement, loss of privileges, and additional criminal charges.

5. Why do inmates make hooch despite the risks?

Inmates make hooch to cope with the monotony and stress of prison life, gain social status, and trade it as currency within the prison economy.


Prison hooch is a testament to the ingenuity and resilience of inmates. Despite the significant risks involved, the production and consumption of hooch persist in prisons worldwide. Understanding this phenomenon sheds light on the broader issues of prison life, including the need for improved mental health support and constructive activities for inmates. While prison hooch might provide a temporary escape, its dangers cannot be overlooked, highlighting the complex interplay between survival and rebellion in the prison environment.


  1. “The Homemade Alcohol Economy in Prisons.” Prison Legal News.
  2. “Fermentation and Its Dangers in Prison Hooch.” Journal of Correctional Health.
  3. “Social Dynamics of Contraband in Correctional Facilities.” American Journal of Sociology.
  4. “Health Risks Associated with Illicit Alcohol Production.” National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.
  5. “Inmate Rehabilitation and Alternatives to Hooch Production.” Corrections Today.

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